A&I Service

Temporary Professionals Agency

Quality and Impartiality Policy &
Data and document protection Policy



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Quality and Impartiality Policy

A&I Service is a company specialized in professional services for Customers.

The Top management of A&I Service intended to document this Policy and the commitments made with regard to Quality and Impartiality.

The top management, the internal staff and the partners are all engaged with the own (Competent/Skills activity), to implement the provisions of the MS for Quality to satisfy the legitimate expectations of the Customers and to provide them with all the necessary skills to achieve the planned objectives. (Their goals)
The policy of A&I Service is to provide an high levels of professionalism and maintain the quality of the services during all the Service requested, ensuring the conformity and effectiveness of the services provided.
The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of all internal staff, partners and management responsibilities through the systematic application of the MS in place.

To achieve the goal, A&I Service has adopted the following policy: 

icon-check-square-o Guaranteeing the security of the information inherent in the documentation and data referred to in the Customer’s request and deriving from
the services performed 

icon-check-square-o Use of professional high-level professionals in providing services to customers

icon-check-square-o Continuous monitoring of the ongoing performance in order to guarantee the achievement of the planned objectives

icon-check-square-o Monitoring of the continuous updating of the competences of the Partners

icon-check-square-o full respect of the binding scope, of standard rules and of the regulations in force in the requested sector of activity

icon-check-square-o no compromise regarding the quality of the services provided and impartiality

icon-check-square-o awareness, training and continuous updates of internal staff and partners

icon-check-square-o continuous review of the requirements of the services requested and provided to identify opportunities for continuous improvement of services

icon-check-square-o effective communication with the applicants of our services

The Management periodically reviews, during the management reviews and / or according to their need, the validity and effectiveness of the MS for the quality in place, the validity of the present quality policy and the impartiality with the issuing of decisions and actions.


Data and document protection Policy

The Top management of A&I Service intended to document the Policy and the commitments made regarding the protection of data and documentation received from customers and partners and the data and documentation developed in the provision of services.

All the document and date received and treated are managed followed with a specific procedure for the management of data and document security, all internal and external professionals partner have signed a confidentiality agreement about the data and / or documentation they are in possession of.

Inside the SG of A&I Service all the documentation of the clients, partners, and services provided are reserved. No unauthorized person can access it and all the data and documentation above are kept in special protected structures with an access control. The IT service are full protected from not authorize access, virus etc. The responsibility for the processing and storage of data and documents is on the Operating Director.

The Direction

We Can Provide You

With a Professional That You Need



In the business approach often the companies looking for external Professionals who can handle certain situation or temporary activity to achieve business improvement goals.

Normally, the searching of the Professional take difficulties in the business environment, since, often, the competence required is out of the skill possessed by company personnel within that the assessment meter is purely subjective and / or the company appoint a specialized and expensive external companies without guarantee of success.

Sometimes the company has the internal skills to evaluate the external professional, but…..Continue Reading

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